1 Last Chance

1 Last Chance have released a new single ‘A Perfect Machine’ which is from their EP ‘This Nowhere’.

The guitars set up a melodic introduction to the song, with a hard hitting verse, before the chorus explodes into a wall of sound. Slightly reminiscent of when rock was riding a wave of popularity a decade ago, 1 Last Chance manage to bring it up to date with their strong sound.

Based out of Oxford, Mississippi, founding members Jacob Hampton and Brandon McDaniel have been crafting the band’s music since 2010. After releasing their initial demos to the public in 2012 and receiving a strong positive response in return, they started taking on the region with their live shows, employing an energy and stage presence that is unrivalled. Since then, they’ve shared the stage with the likes of Framing Hanley, Taproot and Super Bob, just to name a few.

Having been inspired in their youth by groups like Green Day, Rise Against and Jimmy Eat World, the band blends elements of alternative rock, punk rock and progressive rock into a style that is completely unique to them, yet still familiar enough that listeners connect with it wholeheartedly.
